The average monthly social security benefit to retirees is $1,170. But still, most people opt to start collecting it at viagra blindness age 62 even though they will get a reduced benefit, rather than wait until they are 66. But the viagra 200mg argument around raising social security retirement age is about life expectancy. Even simple facts, like life expectancy, turn out not to be simple once you start getting into the details, according to an column by Ezra Klein, September 03, 2010 “Start with the basic rationale for raising the retirement age. Rep. Paul D. Ryan (R-Wisc.) has argued that when Social Security was signed into law, the retirement age was 65 and life expectancy was 63. “The numbers added up pretty well back then,” he said on Fox News. But that’s misleading. That figure was buy cialis online driven by high infant mortality. If you were a white male who’d made it to age 60 in 1935, you could expect 15 more years going forward. If you’re a white male who lives to 60 today, you can expect 20 more years going forward.” “Moreover, those averages conceal a lot of inequality. In 1972, a 60-year-old male worker who made less than the median income had a life expectancy of 78 years. By 2001, he had a life expectancy of 80 years. Meanwhile, workers in the top half of the income distribution shot to 85 years from 79. Insofar as pharmacycanada-rxedtop the argument for raising the retirement age is that “Social generic viagra online Security beneficiaries live a lot generic cialis online longer today than they did in 1935,” it should be restated as: “Social Security beneficiaries tend to live somewhat longer today than they did in 1935, and that’s much more true of rich beneficiaries than poor beneficiaries.” by Ezra KleinSeptember 03, 2010