How Much Money Do People Need to Live?

Wider Opportunities for Women just released a report that defines economic security and concludes that many families earn less than what is needed. In its April 1st press release, WOW stated: “The national Basic Economic Security Tables TM (BEST) Index, developed by Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW), a national organization that works to achieve economic independence for women and their families, finds that single workers need $30,012 a cialis hearing loss year – nearly twice the federal minimum wage – to cover basic expenses. buying viagra in mexico Single-parents require nearly twice the income ($57,756) to support two children, while dual-income households with children require $67,920.” WOW Press Release Full report For context the report: “A family of four earning $22,050 a year is living below the federal poverty line. And many, in fact, are. Data from the U.S. Census bureau found 14.3 percent of Americans in that generic cialis category in 2009.” Calculating how much people need to live on is challenging. Take the poverty line, for example. The poverty line is flawed, although it does provide consistency over time for comparison. It was created in the 1960s as a function of the cost of food. But today, child care and transportation are significant costs for

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many families and the poverty line does not take those expenditures into account. canadian pharmacy phone number Nor does it take into account differences in family composition or regional differences. This study does take into account some variation in family composition. However, I did not see the methodology for this report–and have emailed them to get a copy. It is true I have a bias here. I am concerned about any changes to the federal budget that will make families financially insecure. Programs such as Food stamps, WIC, Head Start, and Medicaid provide an important safety net so that no one is left behind because l-arginine compared to viagra of the instability of the economy. For me, these programs that provide supports for the most vulnerable should be off canadian pharmacy shipping the table. I know. It does not fit with the current rhetoric but that’s where I stand. Still, as a critical user of research results, the first question I ask is: How did they determine their estimates? And the second question I ask: Do the researchers have a political agenda that might affect either their measurement strategy or the conclusions they draw? Just because they have an agenda, however, is not proof that they generic viagra online did not do objective research. It is just a reminder to look carefully at the research methodology as well as the conclusions to make it all connects.

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